More than 350 experts
1 mission: protecting your employee's health

Choose the world's leading manufacturer of custom made hearing protectors for professionals.
30 years of expertise in PPE and health and safety at work means you can be sure of the best solutions for protecting the health of your employees.

Cotral Lab - Visit of the manufacturing lab

+ 2,5 million

Users wear Cotral Lab's devices

+ 31.000

Global companies trust Cotral Lab

+ 30 years

Of expertise in custom-made solutions

+ 50 M€ turnover

25% from export sales

 A company behind a man
Laurent Capellari, Chairman and CEO

"Losing my ability to hear has always been one of my main concerns. At age 2, I suffered from recurring otitis media, or middle ear infections. As a teenager, I became a frequent visitor to the ear specialist’s office for my ear problems. The pain was a serious issue, and I was really afraid of becoming completely deaf.

In Great Britain, about 1.1 million people are exposed to noise levels over 85dB(A), where there is a significant risk to health. Some disposable earplugs are ineffective, uncomfortable, isolating, and are very difficult to fit properly. In such cases, it is impossible to wear these devices even two hours a day. If you were to wear them for just 30 minutes, you would understand. Yet everyone believes they are doing well. Sooner or later, hearing loss will affect all who use inadequate protection.

In 1992, at age 23, I decided I would change the lives of workers so they never become deaf because of noise exposure in the workplace.
Day after day, my main motivation and satisfaction has been to serve all employees exposed to noise and provide them with the best hearing protectors they could have ever imagined."
... Because protecting the hearing of your workforce is essential!

Laurent Capellari

 Thanks for your trust
Over 2 Million workers, from 31.000 companies worldwide, trust Cotral Lab

Air France
Dassault Aviation

5 continents covered

International presence

Presence in Europe

European presence